Due to a school conflict, the round robin has been rescheduled for tonight, Tuesday October 10th. There is also a round robin scheduled for Tuesday October 24th.
Thursday October 12th will now start at 8:00 but we'll stay later until 10:00. Reminder that Thursday October 26th is also an 8:00 start.
General meeting has been rescheduled for Thursday October 19th at 8:00 pm (play starts at 7:00). We'll keep it to 15 minutes or less so that we can get back on the courts.
Full schedule available on the club's calendar.
Players participating in round robins must be at least 14 years old, must sign in by 7:20, and must be prepared to stay until 9:30 if necessary. Courts will be available for regular play for those not playing in the round robin.
See you on court,
The Exec.