Saturday, 29 August 2020

Impact of Pandemic on Badminton Restart

HPEDSB schools are planning to resume classes in early September, but the schools will not issue external community permits until November at the earliest. 

 Although our club can’t restart badminton for the next two months at least, the Belleville Badminton Club plans to restart at its Quinte Christian High School location (138 Wallbridge Loyalist Rd.) on September 8th. (Quinte Christian is not governed by the HPEDSB.) Play at BBC will be limited to 50 full members. Non-member guests will not be allowed for now. 

Not restarting now is a good thing for us because HPEDSB school and Belleville Club protocols will have a lengthy test period to confirm how practical and safe they are in protecting people. We hope their protocols prove effective so that we can be sure that our club’s operating protocol, when developed, will be practical and effective in protecting our players. We have to be especially careful because many of our players are seniors in the high-risk category due to age and, for some, due to underlying health issues. 

If any significant developments occur in September and October, we will let you know. In the meantime, continue to keep safe and in touch with friends and family. 

Best regards, The Executive