Sunday 29 January 2023


Session 1 of the badminton season ends on Tuesday Jan. 31, and the Session 2 starts on Thursday February 2nd. As shown below THE CLUB NEEDS YOUR HELP TO INCREASE PLAYER NUMBERS. 

Nightly turnouts have been comparatively small so far, averaging about 11 players on Tuesdays and 9 on Thursdays. These numbers include transient guest players who were passing through on a one-time basis. ON 3 OCCASIONS THERE WERE ONLY 5 PLAYERS WHICH RAISES THE POSSIBILITY THAT PLAYERS MIGHT COME TO THE CLUB AND FIND THERE AREN'T ENOUGH PLAYERS FOR ANY GAMES THAT NIGHT ... NOT A GOOD SITUATION. 

Many on the Club’s mailing list have yet to play at the club this Season, which is our first post-covid Season. Some perhaps intended to play but haven’t followed through for a variety of reasons. If you haven’t been coming out regularly, we encourage you AND NEED YOU to become a more active participant at our club. Enjoy badminton’s health benefits -- the fun and laughter, stress relief, exercise and the burning of calories. 

Sincerely, The Exec. (Terry, Dave, Mark, Ellen & Joan)